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What we will do


We are conducing surveys to determine if Lobéké National Park (LNP) is an area of importance for African bat conservation.

Survey the Bat Fauna


As part of our project, we are conducting stratified, repeatable bat surveys in intact and human-modified habitats within LNP. These will be take place in different seasons and we will use mist nets, harp traps, and acoustic methods.

Develop databases


We will make the first bat species list for LNP, following Bat Names current taxonomy and based on morphometric, acoustic and genetic data. We will provide  distribution and ecological data of LNP's bats to GBIF and IUCN Red List and the first acoustic data for ChiroVox. Through interviewing park rangers, we will assess threats to bats in LNP. We will promote the conservation of LNP's bats to a range of stakeholders.



Following the methods of RELCOM in Latin America, we will assess if LNP can be considered an AICOM (Area of  Importance for Bat Conservation). Criteria will include: presence of bat species of national/regional conservation relevance; high species richness; and/or home to key bat roosting sites.

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             pour la conservation...

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